01/21 All about ‘TEAM’ building

We had a clear agenda for today’s team meeting which was,

  1. Come up with a team name.
  2. Write our team contract.
  3. Continue our last meeting and focus on an area to work on.

All this was achieved successfully. We decided to begin the meeting with our team contract as this was a new procedure for all of us. This went on smoothly.

  1. We discussed and noted down each of our strengths and areas to improve.
  2. Discussed and laid out our team goals.
  3. Expectations of each other as team members.
  4. Discussed consequences for not achieving the expectations and goals.

Next we discussed the areas to work on and narrowed down on a few that seemed to have the maximum potential by mutually eliminating the rest with valid reasons.

It was decided that “global cultures” and “new economy” should be one of the by products of our solution rather than being a specific area to work on. The areas of interest were,

  1. Education
  2. Storytelling
  3. Relationships

All of these topics are very broad and each of them cannot yet be eliminated without being researched further and given fare thought. Hence, we decided to individually read and understand the potential of each topic or combined together and discuss further on Monday, i.e. our next team meeting.



Ashlesha Dhotey
Graduate Design Studio II: Mixed Reality

Graduate student at Carnegie Mellon School of Design. Dreams, regardless of eyes being open or closed/ www.ashleshadhotey.com