04/04 Concept Refinement

The storm after the body-storming session.

This was one of the most intense discussions we had as a team. We detailed out our broad concept to a very detailed level. This was one of the most exciting discussions as we were designing for a device that was a futuristic version of a HoloLens. We answered some important questions like social implications, interactions with this new device, holograms, mixed and virtual realities etc..

One the biggest questions we answered was what could be the “new ways of displaying the learner’s hologram in the native’s reality and the value in doing so?” “What would this new device look like?” This time instead of body storming we mocked up some paper figures which helped us to clarify questions like whose reality we were talking about, who was a hologram, and who was “real”, who was using VR/MR, whose reality was getting altered and why. We also discussed ways in which the realities between the learner and the native partner can be swapped and if it should be swapped?

Meeting Mode and Sharing Mode
Individual Practice Mode

We also did some paper prototyping of the shared view and the individual practice mode view and what features like the “Bookmark”, “Caption”, “Grammar help” could be helpful where and in which mode. We sketched potential scenes of people using this system along with some interface components and this helped us get on the same page as to where our concept was going as well as figure out how to share it with others for our workshops.

We worked through the workshop exercise ourselves and finalized on the paper prototypes that could be shown to our participants in our evaluative workshops where we could ask our participants to play with them.

This team meeting:

  • Helped us work through our own understanding of how the concept might work: what medium is best when? Is it valuable for people to appear in mixed reality when they are immersed in that reality? Who should see those holograms?
  • Sketching some potential scenes of people using the system along with some interface components helped us get on the same page as to where our concept was going as well as figure out how to share it with others
  • It helped us determine the value of mixed reality in the language and cultural learning space and understanding that immersive experiences provide opportunities for contextual practice and helps make things stick. It also made us realize that MR gave a learner a way of interacting with another environment.



Ashlesha Dhotey
Graduate Design Studio II: Mixed Reality

Graduate student at Carnegie Mellon School of Design. Dreams, regardless of eyes being open or closed/ www.ashleshadhotey.com