2/28–3/02 Planning Generative Workshops

On Friday, we are hosting two generative workshops: one with two language professors and one with four language learners. (We unfortunately couldn’t coordinate their schedules to mix the two groups together.) We’ve come up with a couple activities and have made materials to support them.

Our first activity is to have them map the existing learning experience (from the professors, what an “average” student’s experience might be like; from the learners, what their own personal experience was like). We’re providing sets of cards to help seed their thoughts, although we also want to provide blank post-its and sharpies so they can create directly from their minds too. We hope that this mapping process will include marked high points and low points, and we’ve considered including round stickers in our kits to act as blank “emojis” that participants can draw on. The first activity won’t involve the yellow cards, which introduce “magic” future technologies. After they each complete their map, we’d like them to share it with the group.

Cards for our research kits

The second activity focuses on building an ideal language experience. Here, we’ll introduce the yellow “magic” cards, figurines, props, and perhaps some blocks. We’d love for the participants to enact their experience somehow: perhaps they’d demonstrate it with figurines first, and maybe we’d be able to act it out with them? As a group we still need to decide exactly what we want to happen.

Props we’ve found/created to support ideation



Allison Huang
Graduate Design Studio II: Mixed Reality

obsessed with humanity | @cmudesign MA 2016/MPS 2017, summer 2016 intern @adaptivepath