2/28–3/03 Generative Design Workshops

Eunjung Paik
Graduate Design Studio II: Mixed Reality
3 min readMar 6, 2017

On Tuesday, we visited Duolingo office in Pittsburgh with some of our interview questions and various materials to conduct design workshop with 3 Duolingo language experts. We first met Myra, who is in the incubator community team, then explored the office space.

Then we interviewed Myra and Aya (designer) to ask questions about Duolingo and to get an idea of what their language acquisition experience as language experts.

After the interview, we moved on to the most important part of our visit, generative design workshop.

We also had design workshop with 2 professor participants and 5 student participants.

Basically our design workshop consists of two part,

  1. 1st part, Past Experience: we asked them to remember their language learning/acquisition experience and create a map or a timeline using cards, post-its, stickers.. whatever materials they think make the most sense. We wanted to know about high points and low points in their experience.
  2. 2st part, Build Your Ideal Experience: second part is about exercise. We asked them, “if they were able to design/create an ideal learning/teaching experience what would that be?”. It was critical to make them feel free to use any of the materials we offered or create their own.

After each part, we also asked them to share their experience/ideas/thoughts with us all.

2 professor participants building their ideal experience & sharing ideas
5 student participants building their ideal experience & sharing ideas

