Why we started Studio Lenzing

A drive for more

Leander Lenzing
Studio Lenzing
4 min readDec 6, 2019


If we were allowed to say only four words about why we started Studio Lenzing, they would be these:

01/ Self-Realization
02/ Freedom
03/ Flexibility
04/ Independency

Okay, we certainly have not reinvented the wheel of self-employment. So let’s look a little bit deeper at the specific motivators that led to us founding Studio Lenzing.

We don’t claim to know it all and surely have a lot to learn. Still. Looking back at our past jobs there was always something missing. Or something going wrong. Something not being paid attention to enough. Something that didn’t feel good or look like we would’ve done it.

Whether it was the overall brand presentation, a half-hearted website design, sloppy employee management, rigid work conditions or who knows what else, we always thought there was space and need for improvement.

Or, in other words: there was this steady dissatisfaction, a drive for more.

This “more” has accompanied us ever since entering the job world. We played the career game according to the “normal” rules. You graduate, do a couple of internships, decide on an apprenticeship place. You stay for a while, you move on. You note the positive things and take them with you, adjusting the negative ones in mind, knowing that one day you will leave this behind. Still, we didn’t know when it would happen — until it happened.

Besides a couple of good freelance offers, there was no explicit strategy, no big masterplan as a basis. It was as simple as this: it was the right timing and the right feeling. We shared our values and vision, and a lot faster than expected there was a consenting handshake at our favorite coffee place — and Studio Lenzing was born.

So, here we are, one year and a couple of days after this handshake, finally able to work on this “more”.
Today, we decide on the looks and feels of our work.
Today, we can arrange the studio according to our taste and needs. We can create the minimalistic and clean atmosphere we need to free our minds and be creative.

But we also get to decide on a few other things.

Working hours, amount, projects, clients, looks, breaks, dogs at work — all in our hands. All exactly how we like and need it.

Today, we are living and working according to everything that helps us grow. And inspires us. It is up to us to say no to projects that don’t meet our criteria.

At the same time, there is a completely different drive and motivation to work. Because you’re not doing it for someone else. You’re doing it because you love doing it. You’re doing it for yourself. And that feels good.

Of course it includes more risk and insecurity. You’re left all by yourself. But as with all things in life, there are always two sides of the coin. Less security, more freedom. Less comfort, more excitement.

In the end, founding Studio Lenzing gave us so much more than just “freedom.” It became, in a very good way, a sort of second home. A place to feel at ease, a place to read, learn, read the news, have fun, communicate, and of course work just how we like and need it.

Don’t be shy, say hi

If you’d like to talk about a project, an idea, want to ask a question or just say hi — write us an e-mail: hi@studiolenzing.com

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Leander Lenzing
Studio Lenzing

Founder and designer at Studio Lenzing, focused on creating frictionless and simple-to-use products