Introducing: Studio App Store Beta 🎉

Discover new apps and assets that help you do what you do best: create exceptional user experiences

Daniel Noskin
InVision Studio Platform Blog
3 min readApr 10, 2019


Illustration and animation made in Studio by Pablo Stanley

At InVision, we believe that the screen is the most important place in the world. The Studio App Store extends this vision by giving developers and designers a foundation for solving real problems together. Through apps and assets, designers will be able to create higher-quality screens, elevate their craft, and save time sharing their work-in-progress with the rest of the team.

New Studio Superpowers

Inclusive Prototyping

Diversity Avatars and Humaaans are two community-submitted assets that align with our core values for inclusive design. Now you can add illustrations with a simple drag and drop. We’re all humaaans after all.

Leveraging Real Data

Bring your designs to life with real data. Through the Data and Getty apps, you can populate your Studio prototypes with text and images. Now, your team can visualize the finished product as if it were out in the wild.

Team Collaboration

Sharing designs with the rest of your team should be effortless across a connected workflow. You can use apps to ensure the seamless handoff of Studio designs to a Jira issue or a Slack message, bringing more people into the design conversation.

The Design Platform of the Future

Our first set of apps for the Studio App Store are built using our new Studio API (coming soon!). We’re particularly excited about the foundation we’re building, with a robust, stable app API and UIKit that are sandboxed within their own environments. This culminates in apps that will not disrupt Studio, out-of-the-box functionality for both Mac and Windows, and a first-of-its-kind App Dock interface —pairing apps with the most important place in the world.

Taking this vision to new heights, we aim to make the app and asset creation process as effortless, rewarding, and delightful as possible. Together, we’ll paint a future filled with developers and designers that will thrive within a colorful ecosystem.

We’re thrilled to be working with all of your favorite integrations, partners, and indie makers to continue evolving this shared marketplace. If you’re interested in building apps and assets, please apply here. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our first set of apps and assets!

Install InVision Studio to take flight with your new superpowers. 🚀



Daniel Noskin
InVision Studio Platform Blog

Product at TikTok Creation, previously InVision, Parallel, Dropbox