Italy-Residency by investment

Italy’s investor visa explained

Italy’s residency by investment scheme is gaining popularity amongst international investors

Marco Mazzeschi
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2021


Photo by Andre Taissin on Unsplash

What are the benefits?

  1. NO MINIMUM TIME: The investor visa does not require, for its renewal, that the holder spends a minimum amount of time in Italy. Indeed, holding an investor visa does not imply by itself the acquisition of Italian tax residence. However, the investor visa holders may (according to the ordinary rules) become Italian tax resident depending on the strength of the ties with Italy
  2. TAX: in any event, Italy offers a TAX RELIEF SCHEME for new residents who can benefit from a substitute tax on income generated abroad by paying a flat-rate tax of EUR 100,000 for each tax year
  3. WORK: The Investor Visa allows also to work and can be converted into a work permit, if the individual meets all requirements for conversion
  4. COMPANY: The Investor can do investment also using funds of a company or trust ofon condition that the applicant is granted the necessary powers
  5. NO LANGUAGE TEST: Investor permit holders are exempted from the Integration Agreement obligations, i.e. language test

What are the most popular investments?

  • purchase at least € 2 million in government bonds; or
  • invest at least € 500,000 purchasing shares of a publicly listed company
Photo by Matt Ridley on Unsplash

How to apply for an investor visa

The individual must register and apply on line through the Government’s dedicated portal. The application is in Italian or English. Any supporting documents which need to be submitted, if not available in Italian or English, must be translated with a certified translation.

What information applicants must submit?

1. A detailed Curriculum vitae,

2. Selection of the type of investment

3. A detailed bank statement with sufficient funds and confirmation that the bank has carried out the due diligence requested by the FATF international standards on anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism

4. certificates of non-existence of criminal convictions and pending charges

Photo by Luemen Rutkowski on Unsplash

What are the main steps

  1. Application is filed online on the Ministry’s portal
  2. if approved, the Ministry will issue a clearance to be used for the visa (Nulla Osta)
  3. Investor can apply for the visa at Italian Consulate. Investor Visas are given priority appointments
  4. Investor can enter Italy and will need to (i) register with the Police within 8 days from entry (investors are given priority appointments); and (ii) execute the investment withn 3 months from the date of entry
  5. Ministry must be informed as soon as the investment is executed. Investment shall be kept in custody with an Italian bank or broker.

Maintaining and renewing the residence permit

The investor visa holder must maintain the investment for the entire duration of the residence permit, otherwise the permit will be revoked and it will not be possible to renew it. The beneficiary must retain the original investment. Even when the permit has already been issued, the holder may not alter the destination of the investment under any circumstances, otherwise the permit will be revoked and cannot be renewed. The investor residence permit is valid for two years and can be renewed for further three year periods if the investment is maintained.

Last but not least …… Investor will obtain residency not citizenship!

Beware of any source or websites which publicize that you can obtain citizenship: this is not true!.

In Italy, citizenship by naturalization can be obtained only after 10 years of residence (i.e starting fro the date a person is registered with the City Hall) and it is also requested to submit tax retrns filed in Italy for the last 3 years.

For more information see


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Marco Mazzeschi

Marco Mazzeschi, attorney at law admitted in Milan and Taipei —