How Successful Brands Pull Off Great Events w/ Oladimeji Timilehin

Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2018

Great events are usually an output of several layers of brainstorming, planning, branding, reviews, logistics, etc. Our programs director at the studio, Oladimeji Timilehin discusses what helps brands pull off great events.

Oladimeji Timilehin (IG: @timismart)
  1. Tell us about yourself

I’m Oladimeji Timilehin, but my friends call me Timismart. I work as the Programs Director / Logistics Manager at Neptunn and work closely with Neptunn’s research & development team to create very informed steps during the event planning process.

2. How did you cross paths with Neptunn?

I met with Neptunn in March, 2018 during the FUTA Fashion and Art Week 2018. I met with the co-founders in one of the meetings, they were in charge of brand identity development and event management for the event. Naturally, I put 100% of my strength into whatever I am involved in.

About 3 months after the event, I got an invitation to interview for the Logistics Manager position. I accepted the invitation and the rest is history, here I am! As the Programs Director, I am in charge of every tangible asset that makes your event successful — sound, lighting, stage, transportation, security.

3. What inspired you to take on the role?

It was a whole new level for me. Beyond the opportunity of being able to take on new heights in my budding career as an event manager, I was excited by the platform to contribute to a vision bigger than myself. It was a push I needed by people who believed in me.

4. What factors do you consider when planning for an event?

Firstly, we consider the budget. It’s the grass-root factor for any event. Beyond the audience, vision and message, if there are no funds, execution is limited — if not impossible. With our promise to craft amazing experiences for evolving brands, we create frameworks that maximize your available budget and provide the best possible experience to your audience.

We also look at location of the event, target audience, demographics of past events, equipment and most importantly, human resources.

5. What event has been especially challenging, and why?

Neptunn was invited to work on the FUTA Fashion and Art Week about one month to the event date. Executing plans was tedious because there were no structures — no one knew where they belonged in the plan. We had to build a structure that aided efficiency and accountability.

Each team could be monitored and reports were given regularly. It makes the work badly done if orders are flying from every corner without cause. We improved our partnership with our client to overcome these challenges and the event came out a success.

6. Is there anything you’d like to tell us?

Collaboration over competition — learn to always work in a team, within your organisation and with your clients. Trust is built that way!




Neptunn is a design agency, committed to helping authentic brands stay relevant through branding, design, strategy and events management.