Spatial Abstraction by KÜBRA YILDIRIM

Spatial Perception and Architecture

Perception is what the individual perceives on a unique and subjective basis. I was much more interested in investigating space as an objective reality, exploring its universal properties that could then be exploited in an architectural design process.

TMD STUDIO’s Insights
11 min readMar 5, 2017


The Visual Nature of Space

Experiencing space is a subtle act of the human body and mind. We use our eyes to visually probe a space, making thousands of subconscious computations every second. Wayfinding, orientation, direction, etc. all come from visual clues. The lens of our eye, with a 22mm focal length allows us to experience perspective space in a consistent and readable way. Our neck and eyes move, completing a spherical dome of information surrounding us at any point. But, when a slight change is introduced to this formula we start to question what exactly space is.

For me, this slight change in experiencing space was photography. For a few years I used an adjustable wide angle lens, appreciating the ability to capture as much…



TMD STUDIO’s Insights

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