Why Word Counts? The truth about this pesky limitation.

Geneva Stein
Study Kit
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2020

Who hasn’t thought: “If I only had more words, I would have gotten a better grade!”

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

Why do assignments have word limits?

Yes, part of the reason is so that instructors can actually grade and give feedback on all their student’s papers. However, believe it or not, assignment word limits are primarily a learning and professional development opportunity. Becoming effective at working within word limits to achieve your purpose will benefit you in any career you choose.

Examples of types of writing with and without word limits:

To stay within a word count on an assignment Write more, then edit. It is usually easier to get everything you think you need down on paper first and then edit what you have written. You can edit your own paper but it may be more helpful to trade with a peer and help each other look for ways to shorten the text.

Tips for editing to reduce your word count:

  • Edit for purpose
  • What is the purpose of each sentence? Do you need it?
  • Does this sentence improve my argument?
  • Does this sentence improve my HC application?
  • Edit for concision
  • Cut redundant sentences, phrases, and words
  • Cross out words and phrases that are unnecessary
  • Can I say in one word what I said in 4?



Geneva Stein
Study Kit

Dedicated to improving student’s ability to succeed in college. Professor, educator, mentor, and mother.