Usability testing survey

Lauren Stevens
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2017

In last week’s meeting we were informed about the rebranding of the ‘FinEd Hub’ project to ‘Edunation’. The project will focus on international degree students, but it can be challenging to promote Finnish universities with the introduction of fees for non-EU students. Despite this there were more applicants this year, but it remains to be seen whether they will accept the study positions if they can’t get one of the limited scholarships. Furthermore, Study Advisory is advocating a longer application time, and an easier application process.

Implementing UX Patterns

Study Advisory has also started a video challenge for companies to share a short video demonstrating their support of internationalism and globalisation and to show the world that there are companies in Finland that are open for international talents and not afraid of breaking language barriers.

Study Advisory would like usability testing for the new website in order to find out what needs to be changed or added to improve the user experience and attract more users. To do this, we are planning to create a survey and share it among international students to find out the following:

· What would motivate students to sign up to Study Advisory?

· Would students sign up to Study Advisory without any kind of reward?

· What kind of topics for reviews would current students be willing to share on Study Advisory?

· On what device/s would students prefer to use Study Advisory?

· How often do students think that they would use Study Advisory?

· Do current students think that their reviews would be more positive, neutral, or negative?

· What kind of information were current students missing when they were considering different study options?

· What kind of information would prospective students like when considering different study options?

· Why did current students choose to study in Finland?

· Why might prospective students choose to study in Finland?

· Where did/do current/prospective students get their information from?

· What difficulties did current students have when coming to Finland?

We have made two surveys: one for current international students in Finland, and another for prospective international students in Finland. We could combine the common basic questions and then have different second parts to get answers to different questions from both current and prospective students.

Hopefully this week we can finalise and distribute it.



Lauren Stevens

From Reading, United Kingdom. Living in Tampere, Finland. Interested in social equality, the environment, languages, and culture.