Advice To My Freshman Year Self

Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2017

By: Melissa Torres

I remember graduating high school as if it was yesterday. There were tears, laughing and that slight anxiety from what the next step meant. It was time for college. Would I join a sorority? What if my roommate was crazy? How hard would my classes be?

I had so many questions and almost felt intimidated by the daunting task the next four years would have in store for me. Now that it’s been three and a half years since high school, I realized how much I didn’t know before starting college.

Be Smart About Your Classes

Don’t take an 8AM unless you have to. You don’t realize how hard it is to wake up at 7 AM (even if you live on campus!) in order to make it on time to your 8AM. Just save yourself the trouble and don’t get a class before 10AM.

It’s OK to Change Your Mind

Growing up everyone wants to be a doctor, lawyer or some other job that takes 6+ years of schooling to complete. It’s perfectly normal to switch your major a few times. After all, you want to be happy with what you do. College is an investment, so make sure you’re studying your passions!

Stay Organized!

Maybe you were able to keep track of everything back in high school but college is SO much busier. Professors don’t remind you about assignments, (It’s on the syllabus!), student organizations have multiple events to attend and you can’t forget about relaxation time! Point is, you’re going to forget something and it’s probably be that online quiz that you meant to do three days ago and is now closed. Find a way to keep track of everything: a planner, online calendar, cork board, etc.

Ultimately, this is a time to make mistakes and learn from them. It’s not the end of the world, so just relax, smile and enjoy the ride! It’ll be over before you know it!




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