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about our relationship with things
debbie galant, provocateur
A #Safetypin from Another Era
A #Safetypin from Another Era
Who remembers this safety pin creation? While rummaging through a drawer looking for something else, there it was. I’m pretty sure someone…
Laurie Levy
Dec 20, 2016
The Lost Photographs of Penang
The Lost Photographs of Penang
Sometimes the mystery is more interesting than solving it.
Ted Anthony
Nov 27, 2016
I Love Minimalism: Why Am I Writing about Stuff?
I Love Minimalism: Why Am I Writing about Stuff?
Judy O Haselhoef
Jan 13, 2017
Just Browsing
Just Browsing
In a Googlized world, the serendipity of devouring facts the old-fashioned way still produces a special kind of joy. All it takes is a…
Ted Anthony
Dec 30, 2016
Episode 6: The Stuff of Christmas
Episode 6: The Stuff of Christmas
It’s hardly news that Christmas — at least in modern America — is all about the stuff.
Debbie Galant
Dec 12, 2016
Episode 5: Fun With Dick and Jane
Episode 5: Fun With Dick and Jane
What happens when you come across a vintage edition of “Fun with Dick and Jane” in an out-of-the-way bookshop? And you look inside and…
Debbie Galant
Nov 22, 2016
Staging a House and Erasing a Home
Staging a House and Erasing a Home
My daughter just put her house on the market. She and her family are living there but it is no longer their home. Looking at her listing…
Laurie Levy
Nov 19, 2016
Episode 4: Getting Rid of Books
Episode 4: Getting Rid of Books
Books! Books. Books!! BOOKS!!!
Debbie Galant
Nov 15, 2016
Episode 3: Cellphone Transcendent
Episode 3: Cellphone Transcendent
If you read the cartoons in The New Yorker, it’s perfectly obvious: The cell phone has become a symbol of our complete obnoxiousness as a…
Debbie Galant
Nov 15, 2016
Klansman in the Attic
Klansman in the Attic
What happens when the thing you find while cleaning out your loved one’s possessions is the very symbol of malevolence?
Debbie Galant
Sep 18, 2016
What To Do with Mom’s Yearbook?
What To Do with Mom’s Yearbook?
It’s taking up space. But maybe it’s supposed to.
Stewart Schley
Sep 15, 2016
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