0. Beginning

Stuff That Happened
2 min readSep 1, 2017

So I don’t know if this is going to be one of those things that sticks around or not. I’ve tried to do things like this before: a tumblr blog, a WordPress blog, etc, etc, but I’ve never actually kept up on any of them. So this might turn out to be another one of those grand ideas that I have that never actually go beyond the beginning. So if you’re reading this right now, and it’s the only entry in this blog, then that’s probably why. Or maybe I died. You never know.

Or, maybe I’ll like doing this and actually keep going. I’ve struggled for a while with this idea of a blog, because I’ve always wanted to try it but never really had a good idea about what to write in it. But this morning I had the revelation that I have a lot of thoughts about things–things happening to me, or happening in the world, and instead of keeping them inside me, maybe I should share them with the world. Or with the one person that follows me. Or with no one, if no one ever finds this. That could be a problem. Hopefully someone someday will, though.

I’m hoping that most of these, if I do end up writing more, aren’t just rants about the current state of our political system, though I’m imagining some of them will be. I’ll try to have some sort of variety in the things I talk about.

The other issue is if I’ll actually have time to write these. I’m a high school student with a fairly busy life, most of which is late nights finishing homework because I procrastinated for so long, so we’ll see if I actually end up having time for writing these or not. Optimally, I would have started this at the beginning of summer so I would have had time to make a start before I went back to school, but I didn’t really have the idea until now and I go back next week, so I guess we’ll see what happens. Usually the homework load doesn’t start getting too overwhelming until after the first few weeks or so, so maybe I will have time.

So this entry was just to give my thoughts on starting this thing. There is most certainly a lot going on in the world to write about, but I’m not sure when to expect another entry. Like I said it might be never. But I do hope to write another one sometime soon.

