One Reason NOT to Go to Church

Jesse Walters
Stumbling Forward to be a Better Person
2 min readFeb 6, 2017

I know, I know, shouldn’t I be encouraging people to go to church, not send them away? To be clear, I can give you a million reasons to go to church. My intentions of this post is to to stress to people that there are wrong reasons to go to church too.

If you yearn for God’s love and to have a genuine, Christian community to be there for you through all aspects of life, by all means go. But there is one reason why I went to church when I was younger and it was the WRONG one.

On page 14 of my book I talk about one of the first times of going to church. I was a little nervous and unsure of what I was walking in to, but the reason I went was to make my girlfriend happy and that’s what kept me going back for months…. I was trying to make SOMEONE ELSE happy. Not me, not God.

DO NOT go to church to make someone happy.

There are soooooo may other reasons to go and can bring a it can bring a tremendous amount of joy to one’s life. Going for that reason takes away from the true value of it, and could ultimately lead you into an un-biblical church like I experienced.

As a Christian we are to love one another. To love is to be patient, kind, never giving up, the list keeps going. So it’s fair to say that to love someone is to bring HAPPINESS to another’s life, and we should strive to do that. But, the whole point of going to church is to not make someone happy, it’s to make YOU happy.

If we are to try to make anyone happy and seek their approval it’s God. I have some good news though… He’s already happy with you! He already approves of you! You’re extremely valuable to Him and he has proved it by sending His son to die for YOU.

