1 Japanese Business Concept Can Improve Your Marriage

How KAIZEN could improve your Relationship

Stu Gray
Stupendous Marriage


Man in Brown suit holding map, next to woman in black pointing the way
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

What is Kaizen?

Kai means “Change or revision” and Zen means “for the good or better”.

The business world (specifically, Toyota in 1951, then others) captured the term and expanded the meaning from changing for the better, to continuous improvement. They used the term to encompass their new vision for the company. Ultimately, they wanted to better their operations for making cars and other items.

Some of the main ideas of kaizen in the workplace include:

  • Better teamwork
  • Greater efficiency
  • More engagement between employers and employees
  • A Daily process and system of improvement

To me, those sound like ideas that could be beneficial to our relationships.

So, How can we apply this idea of Kaizen to our marriages?

Continually improve your marriage

Newsflash: Today is the best day to work on your marriage.

If you haven’t thought about improving your marriage
…or it’s been on the back burner
…or you don’t realize that you need to be giving your marriage…



Stu Gray
Stupendous Marriage

I encourage challenge and inspire married couples to have STUPENDOUS marriages! https://stupendousmarriage.com/signup