3 Things You Can Do Right Now To Love Your Spouse

These will connect you to your spouse even more

Stu Gray
Stupendous Life


Older married couple looking into one anothers eyes, dressed in wedding dress and bow tie for a wedding ceremony in front of pink background
Photo by Alex Green

Here’s the deal. Lots of married couples come here looking for the next thing they can do to love their spouse better.

Sure, reading information about marriage is helpful, but you could be using it as an excuse to not to do anything.

I’m going to challenge you with this:

You already know what to do.

If you think about it, you can come up with 3 things you can do to love your spouse. I’m not even going to give you examples because you know what would show your spouse love!!

You know what your spouse likes, wants and desires. You know them better than most people on the planet.

The problem isn’t that you don’t know what to do. The problem is YOU DON’T WANT TO DO THEM.

There can be various reasons why you don’t want to do them, you might be thinking:

  • They don’t deserve it!
  • What have they done for me lately?
  • Why should I be the one who shows love?
  • Can’t they do something first?



Stu Gray
Stupendous Life

I encourage challenge and inspire married couples to have STUPENDOUS marriages! https://stupendousmarriage.com/signup