Is Your Marriage a Criticism Factory or Encouragement Central?

How to Encourage Your Spouse

Stu Gray
Stupendous Marriage


A Couple — man and woman — high fiving one another while moving a box
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

I grew up doing theatre.

Like most kids, I started out in soccer and baseball, but after my first performance of ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ in 4th grade, I was hooked.

That’s where I learned that criticism sucks

In my years on stage, I got really good at taking criticism.

After every rehearsal, actors get “notes”. The director rattles off pages and pages of them. Everyone in the cast listens to criticism from the director on how to improve their performance.

At the next rehearsal, you’re expected to perform in accordance to the notes you received.

Many times, I saw directors belittle and berate actors in front of others. I’ve seen actors break down in tears because a director would rail on them. I remember one director yelling from a darkened audience during a rehearsal: “What the F@#$ do you think you’re doing?”

Not great for an actors ego.

Your Marriage: Criticism Factory or Encouragement Central?

I’ve heard of marriages where one spouse is like one of those directors. A constant…



Stu Gray
Stupendous Marriage

I encourage challenge and inspire married couples to have STUPENDOUS marriages!