Take a Pause in Your Day to Reconnect With Your Spouse

I didn’t realize I could love her by taking a break

Stu Gray
Stupendous Marriage


Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

“Why don’t you come downstairs and say hello to me?”

She was upset. I was clueless.

Here’s the Situation

We both work from the house. Her office is downstairs, mine is up.

Once I get in the ‘zone’ with work, I don’t take time to walk down the one flight of stairs to check-in or say “hello”.

I get lost in work, and it consumes my thoughts and actions. I don’t slow down to take a pause.

But thats how she feels loved.

She Comes Upstairs to Say Hello

But, she intentionally walks upstairs to chat, say “Hi”.

To connect.

She was getting frustrated that I wasn’t doing the same thing during the day. She wanted me to want to walk downstairs into her office and ask about her day. She wanted me to show interest in her.

This Did Not Compute

What I realized: My ‘Guy brain’ doesn’t equate a quick “hi”, or update about the day as a ‘connection point’.



Stu Gray
Stupendous Marriage

I encourage challenge and inspire married couples to have STUPENDOUS marriages! https://stupendousmarriage.com/signup