A Bestiary of Sorts: Part One

Jeff Burton
Stupid Poetry
Published in
2 min readMay 14, 2024


The Beginning of a Poetic Odyssey Through the Alphabet

Photo by Jack B on Unsplash


Alligators can be awful
Take a bite or even claw full,
Within their mighty jaws be rolled
And it hurts, or so I’m told


Let’s hear it for the Humble Bee
A softly spoken chap is he,
He doesn’t want to sing a song
He merely hopes to hum along

Up at dawn, morning light,
He wanders on his workday flight
Returning home, he never brags
There’s gold dust in his saddlebags


The cantaloupe the jungle roams
With slippers on his feet,
A shiny tin hat with sleeves put in
And his outfit is complete

He bellows and he rumbles
He shivers and he howls,
I think there’s something wrong with him
Deep within his bowels


For the poor dung Beetle
The unkindest cut of all
Is every day collecting poo
To roll into a ball

Imagine then that distant day
When finished from his chores
He then turns to his son and says:
‘One day all this is yours!’


I really love my elephants
With leather ears and baggy pants,
And nose that is another hand
Elephants are rather grand

But I would not care to be a ‘phant
’Cause memories forget they can’t
But like cement will always set
Some I would just as soon forget



Jeff Burton
Stupid Poetry

An older Australian poet and author who ought to know better by now but does not. He expects to be famous after he is dead.