The Truth about Neural Networks

Czako Zoltan
The Startup
Published in
8 min readNov 13, 2018


Summary: Nowadays Neural Networks and Deep Learning are everywhere, everybody is talking about deep learning. If you read an article, you will find only the advantages of neural networks, these networks are magical, they can learn everything, they can be used for everything… But are they that perfect? What are the problems with them? Are we blinded by the advertisements?

Why are they so popular? Are they that unique, something totally new?

The answer for this question is NO, the idea of neural networks is old. The basic idea was invented in 1943 and it was called threshold logic. Yes, this is the problem, “threshold logic”? Seriously? Its name is very practical, describes the mechanism of the model, but the problem is that it sounds too scientific, you cannot create good advertisements for that. (And in our era to have success, advertisements and media is the key…everything must be magical, perfect, fancy…).
This was the first attempt, it was a primitive version of the current neural networks, but this was the first step.



Czako Zoltan
The Startup

I'm an experienced Full-Stack Developer, with experience in multiple domains including Backend, Frontend, DevOps, IoT, and Artificial Intelligence.