Dear, Person Sitting Quietly Over There…

An Open Letter from the Social Butterfly Cancer Turned Into an Introvert: Stupid Cancer Open Letters

Stupid Cancer Staff
Stupid Cancer
2 min readDec 21, 2017


Yes, you. I see you there. The ‘cancer just chewed you up, spit you out and now, afraid of your own shadow’ you. Before the big C, you were that social butterfly, new friend maker and now you’re that shy wallflower no one approaches. You lost your hair, some of your dignity when you puked at your friend’s party from being sick and now, what feels like part of you. I remember that.

Cancer was the rain cloud over your head that followed you, whether it was your social life, career, or at home. I also remember when you found that umbrella. That turning point where, as cheesy as it sounds, you got your post cancer sea legs back. It started with accepting your Cancer Con name badge.

The girl next to you didn’t have any hair. And she was wearing her baldness proudly. That’s brave, you thought. Then there were the sessions. People laughing about things that happened in treatment. There were tears about defeats and wins. You got a makeover from the Glam squad. The keynote speaker sounded like he was talking directly to you when he was describing how lost he felt. Before you knew it, you had a couple dozen new friends, you learned about life changing resources, and then you felt it again. The old you.

Three days, and by the end of the weekend, you were out of your shell. It didn’t feel like you had spent it with 600 strangers but with hundreds of friends. It didn’t matter that you didn’t even know the name of the guy next to you in the session. When he started talking about how cancer was lonely, you instantly got it. And that was Cancer Con. A weekend full of friends, resources, and tools to take back with you.

When you got home, the Cancer cloud was still there but it stopped raining and now you had a trusty umbrella. Just in case.


The Social Butterfly Whom Cancer Turned Into an Introvert.

Learn more about CancerCon and register today.

