Stupid Cancer Staff
Stupid Cancer
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2019

We want to feature you wearing our Stupid Cancer “I AM A” swag!

Shop now and send us your pix wearing the tee and share quotes of what the word “Survivor, Caregiver, Warrior’ means to you and we will add you to the I AM A feature along with Lauren, Debbie, Keisha and Tiffany!

Read what they have to say about what the words on their I AM A tee’s mean to them:

Tiffany: “When I think of the word warrior I think of a fighter. Someone who is brave and strong. Someone who is ready for battle. Someone who is fearless and doesn’t give up easily. When I think of a warrior, I think of myself. I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer not once, but twice. I gone through chemotherapy. I’ve had countless surgeries and procedures. I’ve had many days when I could’ve given up but didn’t. I continue to fight. I press on. I keep going even when it’s hard. I won’t give up. I’m a warrior in every sense of the word, and breast cancer can’t take that away from me.”

Keisha: “Survivor means an individual who continues to thrive in the face of adversity and help others who have been affected.”

Lauren: “Survivor — It’s living your life and overcoming the fear of what might be or maybe what is. I don’t really think too much into the word survivor; it’s a big part of who I am but my faith and positivity are what define me!”

Mom (Debbie): “Caregiver — The unpaid full time nurse, pharmacist, taxi service, cook, listener, Netflix watching partner, and much more for a cancer survivor. I’m a Mom, it’s what I do!”

