We Are Thankful

Stupid Cancer Staff
Stupid Cancer
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2017

thank·ful (adj): glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or someone exists, etc.

This year marks a decade of Stupid Cancer. It has been 10 years of changing all the rules, ending isolation, and redefining quality-of-life for those impacted by young adult cancer. It doesn’t matter whether you have been around for all ten years, or the last ten minutes, we are thankful that you are here and that you are a part of this life-changing work that we do.

We want to hear from you again. Why, what, and who are you thankful for? Your Stupid Cancer Framily? Your dog? Your best friend? Your favorite place to find peace? A good show? The best snack ever? We want to know!

It’s as easy as one, two, three.

  1. Write down what you’re thankful for on a sticky note, piece of paper, your sibling’s arm, the mirror, whatever works for you.
  2. Take a picture of your thankful statement.
  3. Share it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and tag us @StupidCancer with the hashtag #IAmThankful.

For the month of November, we will fill your newsfeeds with all of the things the Stupid Cancer Community is thankful for. Follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

“#IAmThankful for getting to cheer on #TeamStupidCancer and all the amazing runners at the #nycmarathon with these wonderful ladies! 🏃‍🏃”

#IAmThankful that @heyitsalisig has been NED for an entire year. I don’t take a single day with her for granted. #StupidCancer

