Learn From The Failures of Others

Jemima Rajan
Published in
2 min readJul 20, 2016

‘‘I prefer to learn from the failures of others because I don’t have time to repeat those failures.’’

We’re going to introduce you to the man who said these wise words.

Smart, young, organised, driven, efficient oh and did I mention smart? We could go on all day about this man but let’s talk about his successful career.

Allen Varghese is his name. So, let’s get to know this man better!

Allen in the centre with the Stuture team!

He’s a successful full stack developer, dedicated to both his work and with helping others. From a young age (through his teens) Allen loved building things. Toy air-planes, cars…you name it.

He loved building so much that he went on to make things using modelling clay and Lego. So we weren’t surprised when he told us that he went on to do mechanical engineering in college.

But exactly how did he go from engineering to a career in IT?

We asked him the same question.

When he stumbled upon the world of IT, he found that he could make more magic without using too many resources and fell deeper in love with the world of building with IT and decided to study further into it.

He had just moved from India to continue his study in IT in Trinity College. But moving to fulfil his dreams came with its own challenges. The cold weather, the lifestyle and the accents that’s just naming a few. He found it hard, but his dedication towards what he loved was much greater than these mere challenges, he was driven to overcome.

“Don’t be afraid of hard work.”

And he did just that, he overcame. Now he’s involved with meet ups and even organises a few that take place in Dublin! Despite the failures he faced in the beginning he kept going, letting him reach where he is right now. He is now n administrator of a big meetup community of over a thousand people. He organises meetups for data science beginners, Python programming and Codeacademy.

Take risks outside your comfort zone, constantly learn from others and “fail faster” that was our take home message from the small chat with this amazing man.



Jemima Rajan
Editor for

Reading, Writing, and Learning. Nothing more, nothing less.