Inspiration to Social Change - Nana Nubi

Alen Joseph
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2016

Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others. — Danny Thomas

We had the opportunity to meet this wonderful young woman — Nana Nubi as part of our startup idea Stuture. The quote I have given perfectly summaries what Nana is trying to accomplish in life. To put the needs of others before herself. Well I am certainly not saying that she doesn’t want to achieve great things in her life, but what I’m simply saying is that the manner in which she hopes to achieve her dreams is to aid others. That’s what sets her apart. Nana is currently a Summer Intern in The House of Oireachtas. She has recently completed an LLM in International and Comparative Law at Trinity College Dublin and also has a Bachelors of Civil Law degree from UCD.

“Aspire to succeed in life”

As I mentioned earlier, Nana is different from us, we can clearly see that from her drive and passion to found ‘The Alpha Project’​, an ethnic minority youth empowerment initiative. (I will come back to this point after a while.) This is the highlight of her life and I think this is what she is most proud of, than any of her degrees or any of her certificates she currently possess... “To do something worthwhile and to contribute to Society” that’s her Motto and dream. The “Alpha Project’s” aim is to empower disadvantaged ethnic minority students in Ireland to attain excellent careers regardless of their social, economic or educational background.

“Find your passion be happy about it”

When Nana was just a teenager, she watched a Social Innovation award show. She heard a recipient talk about how her initiative positively transformed her community. That was one of the turning points in her life. She decided to become a lawyer to make a positive impact in the world. She was unsure how exactly she would do that but knew that becoming a Lawyer was the way.

“Passion is contagious”

During her College years in UCD, she went on a tour to the Criminal Court. She was amazed by the building and listening to real life cases greatly excited her. She was inspired by people more than anything else. The tour finished at the Judges Lounge. A Supreme Court Judge spoke to her about his life journey, from his humble start in UCD to where he is now as a Supreme Court Judge . This really changed her life perspective and motivated her to attain excellence in her career.

Coming back to the Alpha Project. The spark was kindled in her when she was one of the Student Ambassadors for UCD. She found herself speaking to many students and noticed that many students from ethnic backgrounds struggled to find the necessary confidence to achieve the points for their course.

This really saddened Nana because many of their parents immigrated to Ireland in order to make sure that their children can have a better life than they had in their home country. The idea is to give them the best education so that they could attain the best chosen career for themselves.

The Alpha Project hopes to achieve this by giving students from ethnic backgrounds tours into different career paths. This will give them an insight into what they can do with that specific field. Nana has definitely inspired me and I hope from reading this article a spark will ignite within you to do something worthwhile and to contribute to society.

“I love what I can do with the law”



Alen Joseph
Editor for

A random guy who is trying to do something worthwhile with his spare time :)