Thinking to Change — Ruta Danyte

Angela Johnson
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2016

“Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime”

As part of our Stuture venture, we met a woman who has a great interest in learning and teaching others. Ruta Danyte. Ruta is a marketing consultant and a strategist. She helps people see entrepreneurial opportunities around them. So if she sees a problem, she tries her best to come up with a solution.

Coming from a Lithuanian background, Ruta specialized in Business and IT in her college years. She was introduced to the startup community where she explored ideas and learnt different skills. Her main interest is in learning and solving issues in the education system. She believes that changing standardized testing and encouraging students to participate in critical thinking can create better individuals for the future. So Leaving Certs, we can still have hope in humanity! In relation to this, she is currently the co-founder of Learning Tech Labs, a community of technologists, designers, educators and entrepreneurs who come together to share knowledge. She believes in creating a space where we can brainstorm, discuss and learn.

Some of the team with Ruta Danyte

In our conversation with her, Ruta raised a very interesting question.

What do we talk about with our friends?

“Did you guys hear what Taylor said about Kanye”, “Girl did you see what she was wearing last night”. Often our conversations take meaningless routes of gossip whereas that energy could be put to use for something beneficial. Ruta encourages us to talk about our passions with friends, our dreams and goals. She advises us to think differently which will challenge ideas. This can encourage others to find their passions too.

Ruta really inspired us to give back to the world. She is also a WeFindX partner, a company that tries to help the world define its goals. It runs The Infinity Project which is a global think tank to solve problems. She suggests that one of the best moments in her life was finding a group of people who care about the same things as she did. In my case, I was a girl who always shied away from teamwork. I guess it was the fear of being dumped with all the work and responsibility. But joining Stuture and meeting inspiring people like Ruta made me understand that if you have an idea, determination and the right team, you can change the world.

At the Science Gallery, Dublin



Angela Johnson
Editor for

Graphic design student, creative, traveler and writer.