7 Tips for Keeping Clothes Fresh Between Wears

Savannah Taracatac
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2019

We all want our clothes to last longer. Some people (myself included) buy multiples of their favorite garment for when the day comes that the piece just gives up on life. Washing clothes too often causes the color to fade, the fibers to weaken, and even has negative environmental impacts. So how can we keep our clothes clean and fresh without washing after every wear? You’re in luck because I have some useful tips to get you through between washes. Of course, if your clothes are truly dirty please wash them! We all thank you in advance.

1. Hang them up after wearing.

This may seem silly, but honestly who hasn’t been tempted to just toss their clothes in a pile, on the couch, on the floor, etc. Simply hang them up and put them away. This will definitely prevent that musty smell clothes get from being piled up.

2. Wear an undershirt.

Adding a thin layer under your clothes helps to absorb moisture throughout the day. Sweat not getting on your shirt = cleaner shirt. Yay! Undershirts also have the added benefit of smoothing bra lines. Forever21 offers camis priced between $1.90–2.90. Who can beat that?! AND they come in almost every color imaginable. So it’s a win all around!

3. Spray on some vodka.

Is there anything alcohol can’t fix? Seriously… When your clothes need a little freshening up, but not a full on wash- reach for the vodka. Pour some directly into a spray bottle and spray on your clothes. Done! Easy peasy. There is no need to dilute. The alcohol evaporates quickly without leaving a smell and it also disinfects. Cheap vodka works perfectly so don’t waste the top shelf stuff! Rubbing alcohol mixed with a little water also works in a pinch.

4. Mix water with vinegar and/or essential oils.

Vinegar is magic in a bottle. I could write a book on everything vinegar can clean- clothes included. Its disinfecting and freshening properties make it a super easy quick fix to liven up your clothes. And it is SUPER cheap!!! You only need 1 teaspoon per 2 cups of water because it is so potent. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oils or else you might end up smelling like a salt and vinegar chip (which I don’t particularly mind because they are my favorite). You can also nix the vinegar and just do essential oils and water, but vinegar and I have a good relationship so I’m sticking with it.

5. Spot treat.

If you find a tiny spot of your outfit that doesn’t warrant a wash, spot treat! Tide sticks are a must. Remember to treat as soon as you find the stain. If it’s a fresh spill, dab don’t rub! Sometimes a little water is all you need. If the spot is bigger than your precious Tide To Go can tackle, try a little liquid dish soap with water. Make sure to rinse all the soap out and then hang to dry- unless of course, you are still wearing it.

6. Use a steamer.

This is the most expensive tip, but it definitely pays off. A steamer removes odors, kills bacteria, gets rid of wrinkles, and is especially great for clothes you don’t want to place in the washer. Steamers can get up into the $$$ range, but this Conair Dual Heat has great reviews and is only $30! Just hover the steamer over your clothes working top to bottom and you will have clean clothes in no time!

7. Try Dryel.

Dryel is a great alternative to dry cleaning. I guess you could technically consider this a wash, but it’s so great that I just had to share. The kit comes with a bag and a patented cleaning solution that is comprised of a spray and damp cleaning sheet that gets the steam going in the dryer. All you do is spray any soiled spots, throw the clothes in the bag with the sheet, then put that bag in the dryer. After the clothes have cycled for about 20–30 minutes on medium, you are good to go.

Hopefully, you will find these tips useful! They are cheap, easy, and natural. If you don’t foresee yourself using them please promise me one thing, whatever you do…DO NOT DOUSE YOURSELF IN PERFUMES OR AIR FRESHENERS. Yes, it will mask the musk, but the smell can be overwhelming and off-putting. It’s also a dead giveaway that you are trying to freshen something up- heehee. In the end, if you have dirty clothes don’t be afraid to wash them for real!

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