Published in
4 min readAug 24, 2021


Can Conflict be Eradicated?

Special Adviser of Conflict and Resolution for NAUS

Violence is a prevalent issue and student politics is a living example. How well can we blame them, when the main stream of it all is synonymous to violence. Student politics are often labeled as violent, dirty, and sometimes even worse than mainstream politics. It affects academics, and as it becomes increasingly defamatory, it can affect the prospects of a student.
There are a lot of issues generating voilence among youth, especially student’s union. These are few causes of conflict among youths;
Money: They say the love of money is the root of all evil, truth be told, it is. The same way money is the bedrock of all corruption in this country, what more of a student’s union? It is disheartening how a functioning student’s union get shattered, hovering over money and funds in the disguise of achieving the goals for the school session. Sometimes, the urge driving young political leaders is a way to look for the source of funds and end up messing with the main goal. Unionists make an enormous amounts of money through levies on fellow students, sponsorship, and grants from the university management;
1. Communication: being a heterogeneous group, their divergent opinions, tactics, sentiments, resolve and motives towards the achievement of the leadership ambition often lead to conflict, and sometimes violence, which means the goal of leadership means different things to different people.
2. Election rigging: Election rigging and violence is synonymous to each other. In cases where aspirants spent huge sum of money, with hopes of recovering same on resumption of office. The use of money in politics is investment in Nigeria, which is one of the causes of turbulent elections, and this crazy habit as being emulated by young political leaders. Rigging of election is therefore a predisposing factor to violence, because subverting the electoral through frauds copulates age and violent upheaves during and after election.
I am of the opinion that political fathers are just political thugs in a tush form. In its own angle, it’s an avenue for dispute among unions, because they are usually not always on good terms. Okunlola {2011} says “god fatherism involves a servant master relationship up which many agreed, cannot be free of violence especially when servants fails to comply with the terms of agreement.”

1. Communication: communication can never be overemphasized. It is important in all aspects of life, be it politics or any other. Union members should understand each other’s ideologies and maintain it. It promotes peace and brings respect.
University administrations should rise to their duties by placing tighter control on expenditure of student union leaders.
Campus electoral laws should be strictly enforced with penalty to every breaking laws by having strict and applicable laws that guide student politics.
By organizing programs and symposium aimed at enlightening youths on benefits
of peace leadership.
There should be external securities during electioneering period, so that students who causes or heat up violence would be stopped in their tracks and adequately punished.
The existence of god fatherism and politics of money should be totally eradicated by the university administration.
I believe that the administration can enforce the collation of dues to be paid alongside school fees, and the political leaders can write a proper letter with the accentuation of how the money can be spend in other to extirpate squandering.
Constant dialogue between management and students. It allows the student to express there displeasures.
Organization of symposiums aimed at enlightening youth on benefits of peace leadership.

Political violence constitute a serious threat to the legitimacy of the state. It is so apparent that political power is one of the few ways to access wealth in Nigeria, politics often becomes what is frequently referenced to in Nigeria as "a do-or-die affair." Individuals are so desperate to get close to power that they sort for remorseful methods that might be avoided if the economy and society offered other means of supporting themselves and their families. For the same reason, the use of political thugs is a marvel that occurs across Nigeria
Police force target thugs more often than the politicians who sponsor them, in some cases, they end up arresting youths that are unconnected to the incident, all in discoid aimed at proving some action is being taken. The political parties themselves have failed to impose discipline on their own members, let alone more serious disciplinary actions within the parties.

In conclusion, parties need to begin to take activities and human rights violations committed by their members more seriously. To the success of creating a just and sustainable society.




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