Young and Leading: Fayo’s UNDER 30

Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2019

Yo! I’m starting a new series called “Young and leading: Fayo’s UNDER 30.”

It is a short interview segment with young people under the age of 30 driven to make a positive difference in their respective fields and making the world a better place.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first series of “Young and Leading”.

Guess who got the first slot! Let’s find out.



Can we meet you?

My name is Gloria Olufeko. A graduate of English Language from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife. I hail from Ijebu Ode in Ogun State. I’m the first of 3 children and the only girl. I'm a young, passionate and hardworking lady (people tell me that a lot😄). But most importantly, I am a lover of God.

What do you do?

I am a Media Personality, Speech Coach and Public Speaker. I also sing.

I see you love the media. What motivated you?

So many factors around me strengthened my love for the media.

Before now I had always loved purposeful talking. I loved sharing information and engaging people on a lot of discussions. I had always wanted to be a lawyer, but towards the end of my secondary school days, I joined the Debating Club in school representing them in various competitions while emerging victorious.

While in school, I anchored an interview session with a few teachers on the assembly ground and it went so well. My classmates were so impressed that they strongly encouraged me to go into presenting. After a deep thought, I said to my self, “presenting wouldn’t be a bad idea after all”. Then boom!!! My interest got fired up. I started watching presenters. I would watch Project Fame West Africa and study how Adora Oleh would present.

It has really been a roller coaster ride for me but I’m getting better.

Can we know your educational background?

I had my primary school education at StarryVille School in Lagos. I proceeded to The African Church Model College in Lagos where I had my Secondary School Leaving Certificate. I graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University with a Bachelors of Arts Degree in English Language.

Can we know your age?

I am 24 years old. I know I don’t look my age. It’s a blessing😂.

How was growing up like?

I grew up (and still growing up) with my lovely parents and amazing siblings. My dad is a Pastor and my mum is a retired Civil Servant. As the only female among the guys, it was a great experience. I grew up in a godly family. My father would wake each of us every morning at 6 am for family devotion and you dare not sleep off.

My mother taught me how to be responsible woman. I remember at age 10, I would be the last to sleep at home and the first to wake. I would prepare myself and my younger ones for school. I would sometimes cook for my parents; sometimes the food tasted so delicious and sometimes it was the other way round. My parents were really loving yet strict. As a Pastor’s daughter, they had to be extra careful with me. You know teenage exuberance and all (but I was a good girl). I had a small closely knitted family upbringing and till today I thank God I was born into that family.

You are into so many activities. How are you able to do so many things together?

I am a multi-talented woman. God has blessed me with the ability to juggle so many things at the same time. I bake, I make dresses, I do makeup, I can make hair, I tie gele, I host, I present and anchor events. I also sing.

Now, being able to do all these things is one thing, and to maintain balance is another thing. I have been able to learn how to strike a balance. When I was in University, I would bake and still have tests, and I would still pass my tests well. Knowing what to do at the right time has really helped me. The key to doing the right thing at the right time is to do one thing at a time.

Is there “ a dear one”?

Lol, I knew you were coming to that question. On that, I would rather not talk about it for now. Soon and very soon you would hear from me.

What are your short term goals?

Secure a very good job in a very good Radio or TV station. Commence my Master's degree.

Long term goals?

Get married😂. Own the best media house in Nigeria. Start a foundation helping the girl child in Northern Nigeria get free education. And being on Forbes most influential female by 30.

If you are not afraid what would you do?

Hmmm, sky diving!

What would you do if you are opportune to be Nigeria’s President for 72 hours?

This question needs serious thinking. Well, I’ll create a strong relationship with neighbouring countries doing better than we are. I will also seek help asking for alternatives to our depleting economy.

What are your weaknesses?

I trust too easily. I have a fear of being alone. And I’m quick to pacify when angry. Many people have taken undue advantage of my weakness in trusting easily. It has however taught me so many lessons that have helped in my relationships with people.

Tell us something…

Watch out for me and my brand. We are taking Nigeria’s Media offshore. Soon in no time, I’ll be hitting your TV Screens and Radio Sets. And one more thing; I’m a pizza lover.

Thank you for your time, Gloria. It was nice having you.

Thank you for having me, Fayo.




The first time I met Gloria ehn, it was in a “live studio” at Premier FM and her accent got me thrilled. Have you ever heard Gloria speaking? It’s intriguing😫

Thank you, Gloria for accepting to do this with me.


Hello there! Thanks for staying with me once again. Stayed tuned for the second series of “Young and leading: Fayo’s UNDER 30”.

As always, let me know what you think in the comment section. Selah!




A creative human on a journey of self discovery