A Brief Talk with Niki Inc. owner Niki Papaioannou about her Journey from an Employee to an Employer and Proud Mother of Two

Avantika Roohi Kansal
Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2022

Our readers would love to know about the incredible work you are doing. Please tell us about yourself and your work profile.

I’m a believer in do-no-harm-ever. I think it’s the best scenario when work doesn’t feel like work, that’s my goal at Niki Inc. I’ve always love sharing good stories of interesting people or brands. I started my PR business to share inspiring stories and that does not feel like work. At Niki Inc, I’m the founder and our clients are a diverse group of truly Rockstar nature. I really like showing a brand the power of publicity and support the BIPOC community as much as I can. I’m a mom of two kids and I always ask myself-will they be proud of the work mommy does in one day? I’ve said no to work that pays well but feels wrong for this reason also.

How did such a great Idea of starting Niki Inc come to fruition?

I was a director of marketing for casual dining restaurants and I realized I needed to get out of food. When I saw my biggest career wins all stemmed from working on creative campaigns that engaged PR, I saw the ‘life hint’ and did a Pivot. I started my PR business when I met superstar actress Josie Ho in Toronto working on a major film. I realized I could have gotten her interviews.

With more power comes greater responsibility. How do you remain strong in your mind, body, and spirit when there is so much on your plate and also when you have 2 kids to manage alongside?

I remind myself to PLAY! Be silly, laugh & play. Also have mercy on my soul when nothing goes right. This world spares no criticism on a busy working mom (or any mom in general), so what I make sure is to remember to fill my own cup up before I fill up everyone else’s. I meditate using the Deepak Chopra app and I try hard to connect with friends. I’ve also been one to book a hotel stay for myself to sleep for 12 hours and eat gourmet food. Then return to mom life and do it with a full cup.

We would love to know about your ongoing and upcoming work-related plans. Would you like to spill some beans on the same?

I’m so excited about a book one of my clients is working on. He’s the smartest doctor I’ve met and I’m proud to represent Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteg. He treated Covid so differently with optimism and he really showed me the power of mindset. When that book comes out, I’ll be the happiest publicist because his ideas are powerful.

How can our readers connect with you? Where can we find more about your work?

My Instagram handle is @Nikiincto

My website is www. torontopragency.com/

