Talking to Angela Zhang about her Journey as a Content Creator & a Model

Avantika Roohi Kansal
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2022

Our readers would love to know about the Incredible work you are doing. Please tell us about yourself and your work profile.

Hey, thanks for having me! I am currently working full-time as a content creator, small business owner, and model. I mainly make educational content on personal finance, the markets, and money-related topics. I also run a trading discord partner community called Low Key Stonks that I founded two years ago. Lastly, I’m also a signed fashion model for commercial and editorial work in LA and NYC! Previously I worked at Intel as an engineer.

You have a Huge social media presence and a strong fanbase. How do you juggle life as an entrepreneur and as a Model?

That’s a question I often get asked. Ever since becoming a full-time content creator, everything in daily life becomes “content worthy”. The line between work and life gets blurred, so a constant effort of task prioritization and goal setting needs to be done in order to not get lost amongst all the “like, comment, and follow”. I made a video ( on how I time block to stay productive so feel free to give that a watch if interested!

With more power comes greater responsibility. How do you remain strong in your mind, body and spirit when there is so much on your plate?

I have definitely experienced burnouts on multiple accounts. It’s important to keep positive and strong on all fronts, especially in the social media and modeling game. Without going into too much detail, I think the top two most important things to remember is to filter out the noise and focus on yourself. You’re bound to face rejections, failures, and a few haters in life. But don’t dwell too long on each. Reflect on any constructive feedback/criticism but otherwise move on. Focus on the supporters you have and more importantly your own craft — what kind of impact are you trying to make? Focus on adding value to others, whether that be through laughter, knowledge, or motivation. And the rest will follow.

We would love to know more about your future plans. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

When it comes to content creation, I plan to make more general personal finance content rather than stick to my original stock trading niche so that I can reach more people. I plan to host more guest speaker events and market analysis workshops in my discord to further bridge the gap between experienced traders and newbies. And since I just got signed with a modeling agency this past September, I have been putting more effort there to see where I can get to in the next year or so. Lastly, recently I have been more keen on researching MBA programs, as I think I could benefit from going back to school to refine my skills/knowledge.

How can our readers connect with you? Where can we find more about work?

All my socials links can be found via

Instagram Profile :

