Published in
4 min readApr 6, 2017

If you have been religiously going to gym and eating out healthy food, but somehow, still fail to see the results of your effort you want, you might be missing out something important in your fitness regime.

But, this might not be your fault entirely.

Web is flooded with overwhelming information, most of which is contradictory, making it difficult even for an expert to decide what to do and what to avoid.

Here are 5 tips to cut the noise that get your attention to the most important factors that will help you build precious lean muscles mass.

  1. Eat protein before you sleep and before you workout

According to a study published in the journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, consuming 20 grams of protein after your workout session and half-an-hour before sleeping, helps build muscles mass naturally.

Protein intake half an hour before sleep supports recovery while you are sleeping. Timing is of key essence, since studies have found that consuming combinations of nutrients, primarily protein and carbohydrate, in and around an exercise session, can produce dramatic improvements in body composition.

2. Creatine supplement

Creatine has been bodybuilders friend for past several decades. It assists resistance training and helps achieve results faster.

There are only few supplements that have shown to help with muscles building, and creatine is one of them. To support your workout regime to build muscles, you will need to take supplements for several days in row.

3. Limit the amount of time you spend on cardio exercise

Limit the amount of cardio you are performing. Have you ever found an athlete with big muscular body?

That’s because cardio is a good way to torch your fat, but it also burn precious muscles mass, which is not a good thing when you are struggling to build muscles mass. Limit your cardio to 30 minutes, three times a week.

4. Resistance training

Many people fail to build muscles because they don’t use adequate weight. If you have to build muscles, start lifting weight in the range of 8–12 repetition per set and perform at least 3 to 8 sets per exercise.

You should choose such a weight that at the end of each set, you just can’t lift anymore. That’s the reason why most successful bodybuilder workout with partner. At the end of the session, the weight gets too heavy to lift, even with good form. That’s the kind of weight you should be aiming for.

5. Conjugated linoleic acid supplements

If you haven’t heard this before, you must be wondering what the heck is — conjugated linoleic acid and how it could support your muscles building efforts. Conjugated linoleic acid supplements or CLA is important for human health.

Our body gets it from various food sources such as dairy products. It helps improve lean muscles mass and decrease body fat by enhancing insulin sensitivity. The result is better muscles to fat ratio. A Norwegian study found that CLA significantly helps reduce body fat and increase lean muscles mass.

The study also found that conjugated linoleic acid supplements also helps to reduce body fat and cholesterol.

Over to you

If you are on the journey of building awesome muscles mass, we would love to hear your experiences. Let us know using the comment box below, what technique has worked for you.

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