“Beowulf” and Metonymy

Sage koren
SU 2021 British Literature
2 min readAug 4, 2021

The story Beowulf is a heroic poem that was composed between the year 700–750. The story opens up in King Hrothgars mead hall where the King and his men have been subject to 12 years of killings from the monster Grendel. One night Beowulf who is a strong and mighty warrior, comes in and tells the King he will cleanse them of the monster that plagues them. The King at first he surprised he wants to take this on but then agrees to let it happen. As everyone goes to sleep, the monster Grendel comes and eats when of the men. Beowulf discovers this and goes into a fight with Grendel and goes as far as to ripping off Grendels arm. The next day everyone is happy with the outcome but at night Grendels mother comes and pays the King and his men a visit. She kills one of the men and leaves. The next day Beowulf goes to her cave and puts up a fight with her. He kills her and cuts her head off to take back to King Hrothgars and his people. Everyone is happy and feel grateful that this monster will not be bothering them no more.

This is such an interesting story and metonymy in beowulf that I found was “That shadow of death hunted in the darkness,” ( Grendel 74). The “shadow of death” is Grendel and the “darkness” is night time. This story was entertaining and I never read this in high school before but I am glad I got to read it in college. It is a story with heroics and bravery. Beowulf was a true hero with no fear or worry. He fought the monster till he had its head to bring back to King Hrothgars. This is an inspiring story to tell to those who face uncertainty.

