Does Free Will Exist?

Yakelyn Rubio
SU 2021 British Literature
2 min readAug 1, 2021

Free will is the belief that everyone has the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate; the ability to act at one’s own discretion. Although I do believe that evil does exist in this world, I also believe that everyone has free will and is responsible for their own conscious decisions that are to or not to be made.

The choices that people sometimes willingly make may lead to evil things, but that action is still a choice that was made. For example, in 2018 Christopher Watts was found guilty of murdering his family, when asked why he did this heinous crime Watts claimed that he was “possessed by evil and could not stop himself.” Watts made a clear decision to hurt his family out of his own free will, he could have stopped at any time but chose not to. These were the actions and decisions from a grown man who is responsible for his own life. There are many other examples of free will that we see in our everyday life such as something as simple as being unhappy with body weight and deciding to do something about it or not, or deciding to turn in your homework so that you can pass your class. There can be certain factors in life may make some choices a little tougher to make.

As adults, we are responsible for our own lives, and we are in control over our own choices and actions to an extent. Although sometimes the free will decisions that are made may not be as easy as just going on a diet or doing your homework, but regardless they are choices that are consciously made and cannot be blamed on “the universe” or “evil”. Free will is something that everyone has the ability to do and should take responsibility for their own actions.

