Paradise Lost

Ryan Sturges
SU 2021 British Literature
2 min readAug 5, 2021

Good and evil. The 2 things that have been around since the start of time itself. In Paradis Lost the main theme within these books is good and evil. It is being portrayed by depicting Biblical stories in the view of Satan.

It also gives background as to the fall of the Angle known as Lucifer, and how he was casted out of heaven. Leading into the recount by Satan about the fall of mankind, the Adam and Eve story. The story of Lucifer is similar to the story of the fall of mankind. As Lucifer, or Satan, thought he was more worthy and better than God. With that he started to turn himself and others away from God leading him to be thrown out of heaven along with those that chose to blindly follow him. Much like the image shown above.

The story of Satan’s fall is almost a mirror image of the story of the fall of mankind into the temptations of sin. Leading to “sin nature”. While reading paradise lost you are able to feel the similarity between the biblical account of the Adam and Eve story but the one told through Satan’s view. As he was there in the “flesh”, as seen in the image to the left. Taunting them drawing them away from God, much like he did himself. Leading to the same ending of Adam and Eve eventually being forced to leave the Garden of Eden, for not following his commands.

Leading into the point of good and evil being the main theme, the main purpose of Paradise Lost I think is to show that even if people start out to be good they can and will make mistakes. This is human nature, a con to free will. No human can be nor will be perfect due to the creation of “sin nature”. An example of this can be anything that goes against your own moral values and religious beliefs. Murder, cheating, stealing, and the list can go on. Human nature is sin nature, and Paradise Lost shows this in a new and eye catching way.

