Paradise lost project

Kelly Mongare
SU 2021 British Literature
3 min readAug 6, 2021

Paradise lost book 1 is a poem by Milton thats starts by showing man’s first disobedience which is the story of Adam and Eve and their fall for disobeying God. Milton also shows the consequences of the disobedience towards God. The act of disobedience brought death and suffering to the world until “one greater man” will come to restore humanity to mankind. In book 1, Milton milton states the reason to why Adam and Eve committed the sin was because they deceived by the serpent who is Satan.

Book 1 then focuses on Satan and how he ended up in hell. There was a civil war in heaven between satan who was an angel and God. The book states that satan lies dazed in a lake of fire that is totally dark. Satan laments on his fall-out with God and he admits that he had been defeated by God but does not at any point regret the war. Satan remains resolved that he will pervert God’s work into evil.

Satan then summons his legions to join him, the rebel angels join him on land. Milton states that all the angels had their names erased in heaven but they will have new names by mankind and some will be worshipped as gods.

In Book 2, satan claims that heaven is not lost for them and they might reclaim it. He asks his rebels if they should battle with God openly or with ‘covert guile’. Moloch suggests for open war as they are all used to the torture in hell already. Belial contradicts Moloch stating that God could give them a worse punishment in hell than they already have. Belial goes on to suggest that if they don’t battle with God, God might abate his anger gradually and even lesses their suffering in hell. Mammon opposes the idea of war and proposes that the devils should peacefully expand their own freedom in hell and build a world and society that will rival heaven.

Satan reveals his plan of finding God’s new world and corrupt it. He planned to bring sin and death to take new lives. Satan used sin and death to create a link between hell and earth by building a bridge that was wide and easy so that devils could enter earth and tempt mortals.

