Ryan Sturges
SU 2021 British Literature
2 min readJul 29, 2021


Why does evil exist?

One of the most basic human principles is the understanding that there is good, and there is evil. That knowledge is black and white, there is no debate with it. However, there is an immense gray area in determining why we think certain things are good and others are evil. Human nature is what created evil. We are not perfect beings. No beings are, and that is shown in many aspects such as, social constructs, environmental destruction, and so much more. If everyone and everything was perfect than everything would be good. Showing that we were made to be perfect but cannot meet the standard of being good due to imperfections of human nature, aka free will.

So why does evil exist, the short answer is because of free will. Free will was not made with the intention of being evil but it does play into the creation of evil. This is because there is no limit onto what we can think, we can choose how we act based off what we think, thereby limiting our actions just not our thoughts. And every bad action always starts with the thought then is followed by the action. The idea of not thinking before you act, is physically impossible due to every action has a thought it just might not be an outstanding one. An example of this is breathing. But free will allows you to not have to feel as if you acted upon everything you think about.

Another issue with determining why evil exists lies within the free will of what an individual person defines evil as. There is not one set answer. Yes, murder, assault of any kind, and stealing are all wrong. But dive into the gray what if somebody broke into a house the owner shoots them, killing them. Even if it was out of self defense it is still murder, but as a society we are told that is not as evil as killing somebody in cold blood. The gray is where things tend to be the most complicated, causing it to be hard to understand why we think something are so evil it is hard to understand how another can do that to somebody, but other things seem not as bad.

Evil exists because humans are unable to meet the perfect standard that was created when we were. The thing that started it all the ability to have free will.

