Why does evil exist

Kelly Mongare
SU 2021 British Literature
2 min readAug 6, 2021

Evil to my understanding is greed and desires to an extent of making other people suffer. Being a Christian, i have read in the bible on how Satan tempted Jesus so many times and that shows evilness. The cause of evil is very trivial. In the world we live in, people want more and more of something they can’t achieve and they become bitter and unhappy if they don’t achieve. They then keep pushing at the expense of others so that they can achieve whatever they want. To my understanding that’s how evil exists. It is argued that if evil exists, then there is no God because we are taught as Christians that God is an all-good God. Many people would argue that even though God is an all-good God, he did give us free will to choose right from wrong. Some people choose to do wrong and that leads to evil existing. In the Bible, the story of Cain and Abel who were the sons of Adam and Eve truly shows that evil does exist. Cain kills his brother because of jealousy and that was the beginning of evilness.

If evil never really existed then there will be no good existing. The free will that humans have is because God created us and he made us as humans rational beings. As rational beings, we were given the free will to desire good or evil. This free will was given to us as human beings in order for us to experience thoughts and emotions in order to choose either doing the right thing or doing evil.

