What Exactly Does “Research Culture” Mean?

A glance at the current state of KPI-driven research output and what research culture entails in reality

Abd Karim Alias
Suara Pendidik Malaysia
2 min readJun 29, 2022


Research is an iterative, time-intensive process that demands the utmost patience, perseverance, and endurance. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Let’s be honest…

What does ‘research culture’ mean? Do we have an authentic ‘research culture’ in Malaysian universities? Can our researchers in Malaysia do groundbreaking research that pushes the limits of what we know and leads to a landmark paper like Watson and Crick's 1953 Nature?

Truth be told, a significant breakthrough and ground-breaking research can only be accomplished if one is willing to indulge in an idea long enough to see its fruition.

Research is an iterative, time-intensive process that demands the utmost patience, perseverance, and endurance. The knowledge is acquired through a series of errors and failures.

An example in point.

DNA was discovered by the Swiss chemist Friedrich Miescher in the late 1860s. This…



Abd Karim Alias
Suara Pendidik Malaysia

A Professor of Food Technology at Univ Sains Malaysia (Malaysia) (since 1994). A strong advocate of online education and driven by a passion to share knowledge.