What Story that I Should Share on My Youtube Channel?

Faris Sundara Putra
Published in
5 min readFeb 18, 2019

It's been quite a while that I thought about to build my own Youtube Channel. I do believe video content is important and it's going bigger and bigger. It makes me sick and dizzy to think that I should share a piece of me on camera. I never do it before and I never thought about building one until last year.

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

Active in social media isn’t really my personal thing, I do active on social media because of my startup & the product that we build (Suarsocial.com). I do love build brands on social media though. Social media for me is a way to deliver messages one-to-many. For example, I did a lot of test on my own Instagram; such as when to post, what to post, what if I follow these people, what if I unfollow, what if I comment and left a bunch of comment or just a small compliment and so on.

Why do I want to build my own youtube channel?

Actually, I do love telling stories. But I never get any chance to do it via video. I’m afraid and feel awkward to see myself on screen. Many thought flies to my head; what if I getting bullied, what if it sucks, what if I don't have the time, what if nobody watches it, and many more.

Something that drives me crazy is feeling miserable about seeing and thinking about myself regret that I don't try it out. I don't want to feel any regrets, so I do have to try and do my best on it. I'm very, very, very curious about it but at the same time, I’m very afraid.

Why people go to Youtube?

The first reason YouTube matters a lot in our society today is that it gets out attention. Data is important but compared to attention data just become mere tools for us. Video tells us much more than audio & text can. It stimulates our brain to think and gets more information than other kinds of content.

What do people watch on Youtube? I’m curious about it, but it doesn't do much to my choice of the content type that I want to publish. I want to share stories (my original content), not because of the “trend” or “data”. Looking at that chart my intention to learn something new is on 3rd rank. Not bad, I think its a good start if I consider that as my content purpose.

Prepared, Smarter, & Inspired become top 3 feels that YouTube audience gets. I hope I do share that feeling through my content.

What do I want to do with this channel?

“Do one thing well” Google

Focusing on myself and my own craft and telling stories that beneficial to others. I do believe everything that we share truthfully will beneficial for others. Every human has different circumstances and because of that, we can always learn from others.

“When Sergey and I founded Google, we hoped, but did not expect, it would reach its current size and influence. Our intense and enduring interest was to objectively help people find information efficiently.” — Larry Page

What really bugs me is I can’t choose the main topic.

Who are my audiences?

For starter, build channel is for nobody but yourself. So I do consider myself as a first and loyal audience, sick right? lol. But, tell stories has no meaning if nobody else gets to knows it. So I do have to consider who people that I want to surround with and what kind of community that I want to build.

I want to this experience of build video channel be fun. So I consider a topic that funs for me to execute. There is a problem because of it, I do consider several thing fun. So it becomes hard to pick one as my channel topic because I lead to what kind of audience that watches my content.

Lean-forward vs Lean-back Audience?

What I do want for my audience is they get something new and interesting, so if I have to choose between the two, I go with the Lean-forward mode. Not entirely “educational” or anything like that, I consider exploring a passion and getting idea more fun than just “killing time content”.

Any suggestion?

Every suggestion I consider support for myself and my vision to Build Tech-Based Society; when & where people fulfilled by becoming beneficial and solution for others.

I can't choose the main topic. Maybe if you share some of your thought about this, I can choose better. For now, I have 3 option for the topic: 1. Startups & Business, 2. Anime, and 3. Social Interaction/Experiment. If you want to watch any of my content in the future what it would be? why?

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This article is one of my 5 Things series a part of a longer-term project that I am doing to better understand startup success & serve the customer better. Feel free to use the figures by referencing this article.

I’m Faris Sundara Putra Co-Founder & CMO Suarsocial: a Community Crowdsource Platform Powered by Blockchain Technology.

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Faris Sundara Putra

Business Ecosystem Developer. Love to read, explore, learn, and share. @farissundaraputra