
Photo by Kristina V

Jamhuri; a Swahili word that means republic.

For Kenyans, today is Jamhuri Day. A day that earned the right to be a public holiday. A day that marks two events: Kenya becoming a republic on 12th December, 1964 and also marks Kenya’s independence from the United Kingdom a year earlier on 12th December 1963. Undoubtedly, it is one of the most important national holidays in Kenya. It is marked with festivities, patriotic gestures, a revival of cultural heritage and even in some cases the beginning of a transition period into the Christmas holidays.( You would be right on time to start your 12 days of Christmas after today)

Back to Jamhuri…

With the gaining of independence there comes a sense of freedom. Indeed, Kenya stopped being a British colony and was able to self rule.

However, most of the time people talk about independence, it is not the independence from external forces and pressure but rather within. Independence cannot thrive without freedom.

But is this freedom really attainable? It is it a mirage?That the closer you get , the further it goes?

I like to think of it as a state of the mind. You can either be free or locked up in your mind. It’s not inception its perception.

You can be raging within but calm on the surface. Locked up but free in your mind. Freedom is a state of the mind. As this year is coming to a close , just think for a second. How free have you led this free gift of life? The richest man on earth cannot afford life; it’s priceless. That is why it is important that as we plan and as we dream we remember to treat each day like it is our last. It takes work , it takes practice.

2019 is a heartbeat away and if we are to take anything from our Kenyan holiday it is that freedom is not elusive. It is not just maintained and specifically meant for the courageous , or the strong or the alpha human beings in our society. Despite the differences in our demographics in this global village we are in ,the kind of power you have as a human being , whether an introvert or an extrovert , remains caged until you decide to set it free and manifest it to the world .

“The world can cut you loose, but you will only soar when you decide to cut the shackles in your mind”- Sophie Opondo-

The SAIMUN team wishes you all a Happy Jamhuri Day!

Sub Saharan International Model United Nations (SAIMUN) is a five-day international relations simulation for both high school and university/college students that is held annually at the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) Gigiri. The international meeting is attended by more than 800 students from all over the world, in which they debate the major issues of the international political agenda. SAIMUN19 now beckons all of us to once again take part. The theme is “Youth Leadership at its Peak:The role of the Youth In Sustainable Development” It will be held from 8th -12th July 2019, so make sure your calendars are marked!

SAIMUN also strives to offer an all-rounded journalism experience to the media team through simulating different media: a newspaper —
The Daily SAIMUNER, a video news channel on YouTube — SAIMUN News, this blog along with various social media platforms. To get all this and more, subscribe to our mailing list below.

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Sophie Opondo
Sub-Saharan International Model United Nations

Be softer with yourself ,you are a breathing being ,a memory to someone ,home to a life