Yes we are still having this conversation.


The year is 2018 and finally people all around are having the courage to speak about about issues of mental health. The year when people are finally trying to get information on the various mental health illnesses so as to know how and when to assist. The year when people finally realize that mental health issues are no longer to be considered as a “preserve” of the West. The year that we understand that mental health illnesses are just like other illnesses and people don’t choose to end up with them.

The year that has seen so many incidents of suicide brought to our attention and has evoked a lot of emotions from so many people. The realization that people aren’t always as happy as they seem for instance.

We have gotten sensitized and we now know how important mental health is but how we can help still stands as something strange to us.

Today is World Mental Health Day and thanks to the World Health Organization there’s an opportunity to learn more on mental health issues.

WHO’s comprehensive mental health action plan 2013–2020 was adopted by the 66th World Health Assembly.Dr Margaret Chan, the WHO Director-General, described the new Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013–2020 as a landmark achievement: it focuses international attention on a long-neglected problem and is firmly rooted in the principles of human rights. The action plan calls for changes. It calls for a change in the attitudes that perpetuate stigma and discrimination that have isolated people since ancient times, and it calls for an expansion of services in order to promote greater efficiency in the use of resources.

Back home here in Kenya it’s quite impressive to note that indeed efforts have been made and more so in Institutions of learning where there have been weeks dedicated to discussions on mental health. Where experts have been brought to teach people how to deal with people suffering from mental health illnesses. Where those who have overcome the rough patches of suffering from mental health illnesses have opened up on how they went through it.

With 2019 now but just a little while from now we hope that this conversation doesn’t die down. That more helplines are made available to assist anyone who may need a person to talk to. That we all start being or continue being mindful of those around us and know when to step in to help or call for reinforcement from professionals.

We are better together!

Share a kind word or two to someone today.

Happy World Mental Health Day !

Sub Saharan International Model United Nations (SAIMUN) is a five-day international relations simulation for both high school and university/college students that is held annually at the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) Gigiri. The international meeting is attended by more than 800 students from all over the world, in which they debate the major issues of the international political agenda. SAIMUN19 now beckons all of us to once again take part. The theme is “Youth Leadership at its Peak:The role of the Youth In Sustainable Development” It will be held from 8th -12th July 2019, so make sure your calendars are marked!

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