SAIMUN: Where it all began

People have written books about having the courage to start. Well, one Njeri Kiunjuri has already mastered this oft ignored skill.


Njeri Kiunjuri (left) with a SAIMUN 2017 delegate

Njeri Kiunjuri is a University of Nairobi Law student in her final year. She begun plans for the Sub-Saharan International Model United Nations Conference in 2016. Here’s the story behind it all.

The Daily SAIMUNER: Where did the idea for SAIMUN come from?

Njeri Kiunjuri: Sub-Saharan International Model United Nations is an initiative in Partnership with United Nations Association in Zambia.

We have the support of North Africa International Model United Nations and the aim is to help students globally and especially in Sub Saharan Region gain a deeper understanding of the work of the United Nations.

There are currently two conferences happening this year, SAIMUN-Kenya and SAIMUN-Cameroon with partnerships from various conference globally such as Delhi MUN in India, Rome MUN in Italy, Tanzania International MUN, United Nations Association in Uganda, Rhodes Model United Nations (South Africa), North Africa International MUN, Tunisia MUN, Kenya Model United Nations, Algeria MUN, Ghana MUN, Lagos MUN (Nigeria), Napo MUN (Romania), TEIMUN The European International Model United Nations, Munster Model United Nations (Germany) and SRMUN (INDIA)

We are currently in discussions with London International Model United Nations to host their first overseas conference in Kenya which will be a cross cultural experience comparable to none!

TDS: What local initiatives is SAIMUN supporting?

NK: SAIMUN is currently supporting 3 initiatives. One is Msichana Empowerment Kuria which is a Kenyan NGO that is working hard to break deeply ingrained cultural beliefs that leads to 4 out of every 5 girls in the local Kuria community being at risk of child marriage.

Second is Food for Education which is a not-for profit organisation that provides lunch every school day, mentorship and tuition aimed at improving children’s health, school performance and increase their chances of getting into good high schools in a merit based high school entrance system.

Third is Vitabu Vyetu Initiative which is an initiative with a mission to see that every child receives a good and quality education by donating books and stationery to needy schools.

TDS: What is your past MUN experience to date?

NK: I have more than 5 years of MUN Experience which range from EAMUN in High school, KenyaMUN, CambridgeMUN, OxfordMUN, ParisMUN and soon I am going to Chair the A.U Committee at Hamburg MUN in Germany.

TDS: Who is your role model?

NK: My role model is Angela Merkel the German Chancellor. I might not be a scientist but her work ethic and resilience is very admirable! Moreover, she is rising very fast and is currently being viewed as the leader of the free world. Do we need to mention how she has made pro refugee policies? I think her work speaks for itself.

This was first published in The Daily SAIMUNER.

Sub Saharan International Model United Nations (SAIMUN) is a five-day international relations simulation for both high school and university/college students that is held annually at the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) Gigiri. The international meeting attended by more than 800 students from all over the world, in which they debate the major issues of the international political agenda.

SAIMUN also strives to offer an all-rounded journalism experience to the media team through simulating different media: a newspaper —
The Daily SAIMUNER, a video news channel on YouTube — SAIMUN News, this blog along with various social media platforms. To get all this and more, subscribe to our mailing list below.

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