Cultivate the Coaching Practice

Subbu Allamaraju
Subbu’s Journal
Published in
1 min readDec 12, 2021

Most managers and companies spend weeks and months hiring but do little to feed and groom the minds of the people they employ – that’s what my current coaching experience reemphasizes.

We know that complexity in the workplace has increased over the past decade. We are demanding a higher rate of change and lower time to value from each other. We ask individuals to excel in boundaryless situations, influence others and lead cross-functional projects. Yet, most individuals are lost, unguided, alone, stuck, or stumbling to find their better selves at work. Companies compete to offer money and perks and yet rarely equip themselves to feed their employees with the mental nourishment they need to lead themselves. Coaching is one of the ways to provide that nourishment, but it rarely happens at work. Managers often lack the time or maturity to coach their team members.

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