Introducing the Merchant Dashboard

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2 min readFeb 10, 2023

Managing your business and keeping track of your revenue and subscribers can be challenging. That’s why we have built the Merchant Dashboard, a comprehensive platform that offers a range of features that make it easy for you to manage everything at once and stay on top of your finances. The dashboard will be accessible upon integration with Suberra. You will be able to offer crypto payments and access the Merchant Dashboard to manage your subscription business! How awesome is that?

View revenue and subscribers

One of the most important features of the Merchant Dashboard is the ability to view revenue and subscribers. This feature gives you a real-time overview of your business, allowing you to track your growth and make informed decisions.

View customers

Want to know everything about your customers? You can! You will be able to see detailed information about your customers, including their purchase history and payment methods. This information can be used to tailor your marketing efforts. For example, you could target customers with promotions and other offers, helping to drive sales and increase revenue.

Export data to Excel or your favorite accounting software

Don’t worry about keeping your financial records in order! The dashboard has another great feature that allows you to export your data to Excel or your favorite accounting software, ensuring data accuracy and up-to-date information.

Set discounts

Want to offer discounts to your customers? No problem! The dashboard allows you to set discounts and choose between fixed fee and percentage discounts. This could help you incentivize customers and increase sales, without sacrificing your profits.

Team management

There’s more! The team management feature allows you to add different levels of access for your team members. You can add an owner, admin, or viewer, that has different levels of permissions for each role. This makes it easy to delegate tasks and ensure that your team members have the access they need to manage your business.

Get started today

Ready to offer crypto payments and enjoy the full features of the Merchant Dashboard? Reach out to us here to get started!

About Suberra

Suberra is a Web 3.0 payments platform that enables businesses to accept crypto payments from anywhere for anything. It offers an easy and frictionless payment experience for commerce, recurring and one-time payments.

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