Subme’s Governance Voting is Now Open for Participation!

Subpad by Subme
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2023

We at Subme are excited to invite you to participate in our Governance #Proposal 1 voting. This is the first time we are holding such a poll.

Why Governance?

As you may already know, our primal objective was to deliver the Subme App, a marketplace for subscriptions, to our users. While we are proud to have finally delivered the app, we understand that there were delays and some users have expressed frustration. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by these delays.

Unfortunately, our token value has been struggling. We believe that the community should play the most important role in our project and decide its future. This is why we are presenting the possible solutions to the issues we face today via Governance #Proposal 1.

Proses of #Proposal 1

We believe that the best way to fix the issues is via introducing a contract redeployment that will include DAO Treasury & Staking tax (which is a $SUB Sell Tax) that will go to treasury & staking pools, an increase of decimals from 4 to 18, and the change of the liquidity pair to better suited to our $SUB token which will increase the well being of the token price growth.

Continuous build-up of new liquidity will take place — better token liquidity means a stronger price, and there will also be a change of LP tokens — we will be introducing the programmable standard. But what is most important — we are not changing the distribution of Tokens, and we are not interacting with the ownership rights!

In addition to the above changes, we also propose an antibot mechanism, which will further positively influence the token price and liquidity pool. We believe that these changes will lead to long-term benefits for our investors and community.

Possible disadvantages

While the contract redeployment will be beneficial in the long run, we want to be transparent about the potential short-term disadvantages. There may be some chaos during the transition period, and investors who hold old $SUB tokens might need to bridge them over to the new $SUB tokens. We are committed to minimizing any disruption and providing guidance to our users during this process.

We want to emphasize that these changes will be subject to the Governance vote, and we value the input of our community in this process.

How to participate in voting?

The Governance vote starts on 24.02 at 4 PM UTC and ends on Monday (27.02) at 7 AM UTC. The results will be announced within 3 days of the Governance end date.

To participate in the voting you must own the $SUB tokens before the snapshot time (24.02 5 PM CET). 1 $SUB equals 1 vote. The owned $SUB tokens include tokens on the participant’s wallet, tokens in the staking, and tokens locked at Subpad.

For the verification process please remember to send 1 $SUB fee to this wallet address: 0x170A9E09Cb02508e477bD806C39fdD7Dc8374881

Important: We will not send back the 1 $SUB as it is the voting fee.

You can cast your votes here:

We encourage all of our investors to participate and have a say in the future of Subme.


This contract redeployment is a step in the right direction and we hope to have your support in this decision.

With governance #Proposal 1 & contract redeployment a new Chapter opens for us all — a chapter with broad possibilities for the project & our community means you.

Thank you for your continued support of Subme & Subpad.

Subme Team

