InvokeUplift module update — new Exchange 2013/2016 resources

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3 min readApr 1, 2019

Downloading and managing installation media is not fun.

Whether it is development, test or lab environment, dozens of ISO images, patches, updates and language packs have to be downloaded prior to setting up your Windows, SQL or SharePoint or CRM setup. Sometimes, it might be up to fifty files to move around!

To deal with this complexity, we are happy to announce a new version of InvokeUplift PowerShell module which downloads over 160 installation media files for Windows, SharePoint, SQL, CRM Servers for you, and now it can also deal with Exchange Server 2013/2016 resources.

New Exchange 2013/2016 file resources

Based on the feedback, we added new resources to support Exchange 2013 and Exchange 2016 downloads — RMT images, CU updates and several prerequisites. As we work towards Exchange 2016 Packer/Vagrant workflows in our Uplift Project, we’ll be adding more file resource over time.


All of the above resources can be found on the official Microsoft pages:

With Exchange 2016, the RTM image does not seem to be available anymore, and only CU10, CU11, and CU12 are included in our PowerShell module.

How to get started with InvokeUplift module

Getting started is super-easy. Just grab the latest InvokeUplift module from the PowerShell gallery. Note that pwsh should be used all the time as this is a PowerShell 6 module.

Install-Module -Name InvokeUplift

Once done, validate install by running the following:

# don't forget to switch to pwsh, it works on MacOS too :) 

# default run, version and help
invoke-uplift version
invoke-uplift help

Now list available Exchange resources:

invoke-uplift resource list ms-exchange

And download them:

# download Exchange 2013 CU22
invoke-uplift resource download ms-exchange2013-update-2019.02.12-KB4345836-cu22
# download Exchange 2016 CU12
invoke-uplift resource download ms-exchange2016-update-2019.02.12-KB4471392-cu12
# download Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 Runtime
invoke-uplift resource download ms-exchange2016-prerequisites-ucma4

Learn more on easy installation media download

There is much more to InvokeUplift module PowerShell module — it comes with 160 installation media files for Windows, SharePoint, SQL Server, CRM Server, a command line interface, JSON driven configurations, built-in checksum validation, integrates easily into CI/CD workflows.

We already wrote several posts covering most of the things. Check it out, let us know how it works for you and which resource should we add next.

If you find this useful, drop us a line or give feedback on the GitHub, feel free to share feedback and improvements in the comments, follow us here or on Twitter and feel free to share this post too.




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