Introducing: The State of Independent Magazines 2017

A new survey to reveal insights into indie magazine publishing.

Dan Rowden
2 min readOct 3, 2017


I’ve been an avid reader and fan of independent magazines for about 8 years now. In that time I’ve discovered so many amazing titles—and talked to a huge number of the brilliant people behind them—but always noticed a large void in information and numbers about the market.

I’ve since launched Magpile and Subsail, and worked with a number of magazine-related clients. My work in the indie mag world has concreted the idea that there should be some sort of industry data that helps understand it; this data would be useful for publishers, readers and other industry members alike.

The State of Independent Magazines is a simple survey for indie magazine publishers. It’s totally anonymous and asks questions about topics such as production, sales, subscriptions, advertising and team members.

The survey is open during October and I aim to reveal findings from the survey during November.

If you’re an independent magazine publisher, you can help in two ways:

The more publishers take part, the better the resulting data will be 💪

All going well, The State of Independent Magazines will become an annual event, growing in size and presence each year.

You can read more about and take the survey at



Dan Rowden

Developer, writer, podcaster. Blogger at & Magazine reader, father.