New on Subsail: Fulfilment exports for Newsstand, Heftwerk, Shippo and ShipStation

Today sees support for four new fulfilment services come to Subsail.

Dan Rowden
2 min readSep 14, 2017


The data in Subsail is your data (and quite critical to your magazine business). Handling sales and managing your subscribers is best done within Subsail, but getting this data out of your account is equally just as important.

And now it gets a lot easier. And more powerful.

Automatic Newsstand exports and CSV options


The first new supported service is Newsstand, a UK-based distributor (and online seller) of magazines, used by a range of publishers.

Subsail now integrates with Newsstand using an automated background sync, meaning your new orders are sent to Newsstand automatically after they are placed. No more messing about with exported spreadsheets and re-configuring columns!

To enable this integration, simply head to the Newsstand page in your account. Additionally, you will need to acquire “EAN” codes for each of your issues from Newsstand (please email for this).

Heftwerk, Shippo and ShipStation

And a new CSV export tool!

Subsail has a shiny new tool for exporting CSVs of your data, making it very easy (and quick!) to export different data sets and in different formats.

Subsail’s new CSV export tool

With the tool, you can select if you want to export all or only unsent copies, choose which issue you want to include, and which medium (print or digital).

Importantly, Subsail now supports different CSV formats, so you can download your data and directly import orders into your fulfilment service without fiddling with re-formatting in Excel. Nice!

Services currently supported are Heftwerk, Shippo and ShipStation. Simply download the CSV and email it (Heftwerk) or import it into your account (Shippo and ShipStation).

Subsail also provides a “Standard” format, if you want to download your data in a more generic format.

Exported CSVs include order IDs, recipient names, email addresses and shipping addresses.

Mark as sent

An added feature here is the “Mark all copies as sent”, which allows you to update subscription issue statuses in Subsail as you export the data (hat tip to Kai at Offscreen). This keeps your customers up to date about which issues they have been sent.

Exporting, and marking all included copies as “sent”



Dan Rowden

Developer, writer, podcaster. Blogger at & Magazine reader, father.